Texas Living

Homemade Dog Treat Recipe


When it’s time to reward your four-legged friends, it’s easy to just grab a bag of store-bought treats. However, it’s almost as easy (and much more fun) to show your love for your furry family members by making a tasty treat from scratch. Plus, if you’re making it, you know exactly what ingredients are going in their bellies.

Before you start with your from-scratch recipes and doggie decor, it’s important to know what human foods are safe to feed your pup — and what you should never share.

Snack Time Safety

Before you start baking, make sure you know what is safe and what isn’t. If you have any doubt, ask your vet!

Doggie Dos:

  • Peanut butter (make sure xylitol isn’t an ingredient)
  • Plain, unsweetened yogurt
  • Most fruits (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apples, pineapples, bananas)
  • Salmon
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Cheese (in moderation)

Doggie Don’ts:

  • Chocolate
  • Onions, leeks, and chives
  • Macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts, and almonds
  • Avocados
  • Grapes and raisins

Ask Your Vet:

  • Garlic
  • Raw meat and bones

Peanut Butter-Banana Biscuits


For the biscuits:
1 egg, plus 1 egg white, lightly beaten, for brushing
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup mashed banana
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup wheat germ

For the frosting:
8 ounces cream cheese (low fat or fat-free)
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons plain yogurt (low fat or fat-free)
3 tablespoons flour


Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Lightly grease a baking sheet.

Mix the egg, peanut butter, banana, and honey in a medium bowl; blend thoroughly. Stir in the flour and wheat germ; mix well. Turn dough out onto a floured board and roll to 1/4-inch thick. Cut into desired shapes, place on prepared baking sheet, and brush tops with the extra egg white.

Bake biscuits in preheated oven until dried and golden brown, about 30 minutes, depending on size. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.

For the frosting, mix the cream cheese, honey, and yogurt in a bowl until smooth. Stir in 1 tablespoon of flour at a time until the consistency is good for spreading.

Cookie Cut-Outs

Cute cookie cutters in dog, bone, and paw print shapes — or even these fun squirrels and fire hydrants — let everyone know these treats were made especially for Fido.

When temperatures rise and you want to go a step beyond ice cubes to cool your pooch, pour Greek yogurt or pureed frozen strawberries (strain out the seeds first) into silicone molds shaped like paw prints and bones, then freeze. Pop out a couple whenever your pup needs a delicious cool-down.

Have fun pampering your pooches in the kitchen, and be especially aware of their health when you take them out in the Texas summer heat.

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