Texas Living

Your New Favorite Squash Blossom Recipe

By Mitch Gruen 4.1.20

Squash season reigns in summer. But you might not know that the gorgeous orange-yellow flowers growing atop our favorite summer vegetable are more than just decorative.

While you may not be able to find them at the grocery store, your local farmer’s market should be able to sell you squash with the blossom attached. This is important, because if you really want to enjoy the whole squash, you have to eat the flowers too.

When you hold a squash blossom for the first time, you might ask yourself, “Why?” and, “What am I supposed to do with this?” For an inexperienced chef, the thought of just eating flowers can be intimidating.

But we are here to walk you through this journey. Here’s the perfect squash blossom recipe for your next springtime supper. This makes the perfect appetizer to go along with your meal next time you grill squash.


Squash with blossoms
1 cup goat cheese
2 tablespoon chives, chopped
2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 egg yolk
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup seltzer water
2 cups vegetable oil


1. Remove your squash blossoms and set aside the squash. Gently rinse the blossoms, taking care not to crush the delicate petals. Set them on a paper towel to dry.

2. To prepare the filling, combine goat cheese, chives, and basil in a medium bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste, then mix in the egg yolk, which will help to hold everything together while adding richness.

3. In a separate mixing bowl, combine flour and seltzer water, stirring until somewhat smooth (lumps are OK), to create a batter.

4. Spoon your filling into a large zip plastic bag and use scissors to cut a small hole in a bottom corner. Squeeze the bag to pipe a small portion of filling into each of your 12 blossoms, then fold the petals to seal it inside.

5. Add enough vegetable oil to deeply coat a cast-iron skillet and set over a medium heat. Dip a wooden spoon handle in your oil and look for a steady stream of bubbles forming around the handle. When this happens, you’ll know it’s hot enough for you to start frying. If it’s bubbling heavily like boiling water, then it’s too hot.

6. Dip each stuffed blossom in your batter before placing them on the skillet. Depending on the size of your skillet, it may make the most sense to do only two or three at a time. Fry for about two minutes on one side, then flip and cook for an additional two minutes. You should end up with a nice golden brown on all sides, without burning.

7. Give your squash blossoms about 10 minutes to cool, then serve!

These work perfectly as an appetizer, a side dish, or simply a snack. No matter how you serve them, expect your friends and family to do a “hero” chant after taking their first bite.

Find more ideas for the perfect spring meal with this strawberry inspiration.

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